Welcome to the IFF pension fund
You accrue a mandatory pension with us. You do this through your employer IFF. Each employer has its own scheme. This Pension 1-2-3 explains what you receive in our pension scheme, and also what you do not. This is important to know, for example if you change your job. The Pension 1-2-3 does not contain any personal information about your pension. This you can find on your Uniform Pension Statement, and at www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.
You can read how we approach socially responsible investing in our investment policy.
What is in layers 1, 2 and 3?
Pension 1-2-3 consists of 3 layers. The first layer gives you a summary of the most important information about your pension scheme. If you click on an icon, you enter layer 2, where you will find more information on all the subjects in layer 1. Lastly, click again to enter layer 3, which provides legal and policy-related information on our pension fund. You can also ask for copies of layers 1, 2 and 3 from our Pension Services department at iffpensioenfonds@blueskygroup.nl.
New rules for pension schemes
New rules for pension schemes are coming. IFF Pension Fund's scheme is also going to change in a number of ways. By January 1, 2028, all pension schemes must comply with the new rules. Until then, little will change for you. You will accrue pension according to the current scheme.
Would you like to know more? Then read more about the new pension scheme.