
12 July 2024

News release

Annual report 2023: A stable foundation to continue building for the future

Overall 2023 was a fairly stable year, an important foundation for the changing future. The Future of Pensions Act means change for the pension fund and your pension in the coming years.
5 July 2024

News release

Your UPO 2024 is ready

23 May 2024

News release

The IFF Pensioners Association was founded

In April 2024, the IFF Pensioners Association was established. One of the main goals that the Pensioners Association has set for itself is to represent the interests of the pensioners participating in the IFF Pension Fund.
6 May 2024

News release

Preliminary information on lump sum amount

A bill is before the House of Representatives with the possibility of withdrawing up to 10% of your pension in one lump sum at your retirement date. This choice is expected to be possible as of July 1, 2023.
3 May 2024

News release

The future of IFF Pension Fund

IFF, the works council and the unions have been in discussions for some time to shape the new pension plan under the Future Pensions Act. Who will administer the new pension plan is yet to be decided. The employer is looking at a so-called General Pension Fund as a possible new administrator of the pension plan.
3 April 2024

News release

No election for board member on behalf of retirees

The term of office of the board member on behalf of the pensioners expires. A new candidate has made himself available. The final appointment will be announced around May 2024 on our website.
29 February 2024

News release

The risk preference survey

After the summer in 2023 we conducted a risk preference survey. In this article we review the outcomes.
29 February 2024

News release

The impact love has on your pension

Did you know that love can be of impact on your pension? On this page we will pay attention to the theme 'love and pension'. All subjects surrounding love will be explained. The fun and not so fun parts.
29 February 2024

News release

Outcomes risk preference survey

22 February 2024

News release

Annual statement 2023 available in MyIFFPension

In MyIFFPension, under My Documents, your 2023 annual statement and your January 2024 pension statement are ready.