In August 2023, we asked you to take part in our survey on investing and the associated risks. We received a response from 435 of you who made your voices heard by completing our survey. Thank you! We are pleased to share the responses to the survey and explain what will be done with the findings.
Thanks for completing our survey!
A total of 435 of you completed it. 187 (43%) members still employed by IFF, 100 (23%) members no longer employed by IFF and 148 (34%) retired members.
Relative to the total number of members of IFF Pension Fund, the survey was completed by:
- 17% of all members still employed by IFF
- 9% of all members no longer employed by IFF
- 26% of all retired members
We are pleased to see that so many of you took the time to complete this important survey. Thanks for completing our survey!

Why did we conduct this survey?
New pension rules have come into effect on 1 July 2023. Under these new government rules, your pension scheme will be changing by 1 January 2028 at the latest. IFF (the employer), the union and the Works Council are making agreements on the new pension scheme. The pension fund does not have a say in the content of the new scheme, but it is kept informed so that we can prepare for it.
1 January 2028 still seems far away but we are already working hard on the preparations. That sometimes means making choices. One of those choices is about how we'll invest pension contributions in the future. We aim to take our members' preferences into account as much as possible in our investment choices. That's why we have conducted a survey on how you and your current and former colleagues feel about investing and the associated risks.
What will be happening now?
The survey is closed and the results are now being carefully analysed. Once that analysis is complete, we'll share the key survey findings through a news release on the website. We'll then take the results into account in our preparations for the new pension scheme.
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Register your e-mail address and sign up for the newsletter. You can easily do this yourself in MyIFFPension.