If you and your partner separate, there are many things to deal with. The two of you will also have to reach an agreement regarding your pension. Discuss the possibilities with your divorce lawyer or mediator.
Check list for separation
What do you need to consider if you separate?
- Notify the termination of your cohabitation agreement to IFF.
- Inform us of the separation if you live outside the Netherlands. If you live in the Netherlands, we will be informed automatically by the municipality.
- Make an agreement on how to divide your retirement pension.
- Give us details of this agreement using the government form ‘Mededelingsformulier in verband met verdeling van ouderdomspensioen bij scheiding’. Go to the website www.rijksoverheid.nl and use the search term 'mededelingsformulier'.
- Make an agreement regarding the special partner’s pension. Your ex-partner can waive this using the waiver declaration issued by the pension fund. You can request the waiver declaration from us by calling us on 020 426 63 60. You cannot do this until the date of your divorce or end of relationship is final.
Division of retirement pension if you were married or in a registered partnership
The division of retirement pension after a divorce or separation is known as equalisation. There are several possibilities for equalisation:
- You divide your retirement pension according to the statutory division: each party has half
- You agree with your partner that you will not divide the retirement pension.
- You agree a different division, such as 30%-70%
- If you do not make an agreement, your ex-partner will retain the right to half of your retirement pension.
Arranging partner’s pension if you were married, in a cohabitation agreement or a registered partnership
Partner’s pension that is reserved for your ex-partner after the divorce is known as special partner’s pension. There are several possibilities:
- Your ex-partner waives the special partner’s pension. You can have this recorded in the divorce agreement, for instance. You can also apply to us for a waiver declaration by calling us on 020 426 63 60.
- If you do not make an agreement, your ex-partner will receive a special partner’s pension from us in the event of your death. The standard arrangement is that your ex-partner is entitled to special partner’s pension.
Arrange this right away
You can arrange the allocation of the partner’s pension by recording the agreements you have made and notifying us. This can be in a letter that you have both signed.
We are not able to cooperate with every non-standard agreement. If you have doubts, contact us by telephone on 020 426 63 60 or by e-mail to iffpensioenfonds@blueskygroup.nl.

The standard arrangement is that your ex-partner gets half of your retirement pension that was accrued during the marriage or registered partnership.
Equalised retirement pension remains part of your pension
Your ex-partner’s share of the retirement pension remains part of your pension. Decisions you make regarding your share will also apply to your ex-partner’s share. If your ex-partner dies before you, their share will be added to your pension.
Separation of pension for your ex-partner
You and your ex-partner can choose to separate the pension (this is known as ‘conversion’). This is only possible in case of a marriage or a registered partnership.
The retirement pension and special partner’s pension for your ex-partner can be separated from your own pension. Your ex-partner then has their own entitlement to a pension.
The advantage of conversion is that you and your ex-partner no longer need to engage with each other with respect to pension. Moreover, your ex-partner can then decide themselves when their pension will come into payment.
The disadvantage is that if your ex-partner dies before you, their share of your retirement pension will not be returned to you. Your ex-partner’s right to retirement pension then lapses to the pension fund.