News release

New pension scheme: representation of pensioners

21 December 2023

The Senate and House of Representatives have approved the Future Pensions Act. That means that pensions have been subject to new rules since 1 July 2023. In response to these new rules, your pension scheme will change by 1 January 2028 at the latest. Based on the new rules, IFF, the Works Council and the trade unions (FNV and CNV) make agreements on the new pension scheme. The Pensioners' Association IFF is being formed to represent the interests of pensioners in this process.

Right of say for pensioners
The new law states that a pensioners' association has the right to express an opinion on the agreements made on the new pension scheme. We call this the ‘right of say’. A condition for exercising this right of say is that the association represents at least 10% of pensioners.

Establishment of an association of pensioners
To make use of this right of say, the interest of IFF pensioners in forming a pensioners' association has been explored. So far, nearly 100 pensioners have already expressed interest in this. Given that there are a total of 564 pensioners (see annual report 2022), the statutory requirement of 10% has been more than met. Preparations to establish the Pensioners' Association IFF are therefore continuing.

How to register
Are you interested in joining the Pensioners' Association IFF? If so, send an email to Guus van Es at For questions or comments, please get in touch by phone on 06 57348000.