Well taken care of after retirement? Find out now!
Do you know what you will receive in retirement later? Is this sufficient for you? And what changes will affect your pension? From 2 to 4 November, the annual national campaign Pension 3 Days takes place. This is an initiative of the platform 'Wijzer in geldzaken' with the aim of increasing pension awareness in the Netherlands. Several organizations and individuals, banks, pension funds and insurers have joined forces and we are also participating!
Check your IFF pension!
The first step to deepening your pension is to log in to MijnIFFPensioen! You will immediately see how much pension you have accrued with us. In My Documents you will find all your pension postings in one place.
Take advantage of the Pensioen3daagse to immediately arrange some practical pension matters such as:
- Register your e-mail address in My Details. Then we will send you e-mail notifications instead of postal notifications when there is pension mail for you in My Documents. This is cost-effective and better for the environment.
- Are you retired and living abroad? Simply upload your annual Proof of Living via MyIFFPensioen.
- Please contact us with any questions at telephone number (020) 426 63 60. We will be happy to help you.
Click here for more actions you can take for your pension.

Log in to view your pension
Log in with DigiDFind out more about your pension
Would you like to learn more about pensions? On the website of Wijzer in Geldzaken you will find more information and tools to get started with your pension.