News release

Outcomes risk preference survey

29 February 2024

Late last year, a survey was conducted by IPSOS agency on the risk appetite of members of IFF Pension Fund. This also in view of the introduction of the Wtp (Wet toekomst pensioenen). 435 People participated in the survey.

Distribution survey:
17% of participants still employed by IFF (Active participants)
9% of participants no longer employed by IFF (Sleepers)
26% of retired participants.

Main findings of the survey:

  • Half of the participants especially sleepers and actives, have a preference for greater investment risk during the period of their retirement.  (Offensive)
  • As participants get older they want to take less risk (Defensive)
  • Higher-income participants are willing to take more risk.
  • Risk appetite is greater in the accumulation phase than in the benefit phase.
  • Retirees are relatively less concerned if their benefits should decline.
  • Sleepers are more likely to have (basic) knowledge when it comes to investing than actives and retirees.
  • Ipsos has conducted quite a few of these surveys and the result of this survey at IFF is very similar to the results at other funds. (Benchmark)
  • Retirees in particular are satisfied with and have confidence in the IFF pension fund.